  修订日期:2000-07-15  点此下载全文
. Usingboth Vacuum Point Well and Pipe Well to Dewater Deep and Large Fou ndation Pit[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2000,(5):40-41.
摘要点击次数: 1127
全文下载次数: 326
王小刚  岑文龙
中文摘要:以轻型井点与管井结合方式在深大基坑降水 ,综合了 2种降水方式的优点 ,在满足基坑降深的前题下 ,即能迅速疏干基坑内的滞水 ,又消除了因滞流水沿基坑槽壁渗流易造成边坡失稳等缺陷 ,保证了基坑边坡的稳定。
Usingboth Vacuum Point Well and Pipe Well to Dewater Deep and Large Fou ndation Pit
WANG Xiao gang  CEN Wen long
Abstract:The combination of vacuum point well and pipe well can greatly take the advantages of both. This method not only contents the ground water level after lowering, but also can quickly remove detained ground water. So the slope will be more stability due to the remove of parietal seepage caused by the detained ground water.
keywords:foundation pit dewatering,vacuum point well,pipe well,detained ground water,slope stability,
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