投稿时间:2020-01-07    点此下载全文
引用本文:汤凤林,Чихоткин A.В.,Есауленко В.Н.,等.深井钻进时井底参数自动遥控系统用传感器的设计研究[J].钻探工程,2021,48(1):42-48.
TANG Fenglin,Чихоткин A.В.,Есауленко В.Н.,et al. Design of the sensors for automatic remote control of the deep downhole parameters[J]. Drilling Engineering, 2021,48(1):42-48.
摘要点击次数: 660
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汤凤林* 中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院湖北武汉430074
Чихоткин A.В. 中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院湖北武汉430074  
Есауленко В.Н. Астраханский Государственный Технический УниверситетРоссия Г.Астрахань 414025  
宁伏龙 中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院湖北武汉430074
段隆臣 中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院湖北武汉430074
Чихоткин В.Ф. 中国地质大学(武汉)工程学院湖北武汉430074
中文摘要:我国正在计划打一口13000 m的特深地质井,以超过目前世界上最深的俄罗斯12262 m科拉超深井,意义重大。深井、特别是超深井钻进中,除了钻井设备、钻具(含钻头)之外,钻井工艺和操作规程也非常重要,后者实施与优化有赖于操作规程地面仪表显示的井底参数数据。但是这些井底数据与实际情况可能有较大差异,导致相应的钻井操作出现偏差和失误,直接影响钻进技术经济指标的提高。俄罗斯阿斯特拉罕国立技术大学Есауленко В.Н.教授等人,设计出了井底参数自动测量控制系统以实现高精度井底监测。其中传感器设计是该测量控制系统实施的关键,本文以方位角传感器设计计算为例对其测量原理进行讨论和分析,以期为未来我国特深地质井井底参数测控设计提供参考。
中文关键词:特深井  井底参数  地面仪表  自动遥测系统  传感器  方位角
Design of the sensors for automatic remote control of the deep downhole parameters
Abstract:China is planning to drill an extra deep borehole with a depth of 13000m which will exceed the depth of 12262m of the Russian Cola super-deep borehole. However, it faces huge challenges to drill into the depth. Besides drill equipment and tools, the drilling process and the drilling procedure also determine if drilling is successful or not. At present the drilling process and the drilling procedure are mainly guided by and depend on the data shown at surface devices. However, the data may deviate from the real values of downhole parameters, which will influence directly improvement of technical and economical indexes of deep drilling accordingly. Professor of Russian Astrahan State Technical University Esaulenko V. N. and others have designed an automatic measurement and control system of downhole parameters, in which the sensors are necessary and critical devices. This paper introduces the sensors for downhole parameter measurement and takes the design of the azimuth sensor as an example to demonstrate how to design the measurement system, which would be useful for improving future ultra-deep borehole drilling in China.
keywords:extremely deep borehole  downhole parameter  surface device  automatic control system  sensor  azimuth
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